Monday, April 30, 2012

Photographer's Loving Photography

NBC Photographer & Friend Josh Keppel  2010 on the Playa
A Big Shout Out to My Peers and Some Hero's

Here's the list of a few of my photographer friends that have pledged support of this project BM 2010 images called MetropoLOVE.  I am in high gear to get this done after along recessive detour.
I need help and asking for it has been moving my energy on a higher Spiritual frequency.
I feel the message in this body of work is bigger than just image but reflects love and educates about art and the artist.  It has many iconic images, some you d hang and some you go Oh MY!....Nothing short of EVOCATIVE.
Thank You to the following photographers and I hope to gather a few more.
Silver prints for those who pledge over $100.00.
Less than a month to go gotta raise a little more.
Here's to all of you for making a difference for this project.
I love LOVE you all for caring.
check em out!
Love You All
Lets add you to the list:

David Carol
Joy Godfrey
Leah Byrne
(coming soon)
Eleanor Preger
(coming soon)
Josh Keppel
Robert Bengston
Amir Glogau
(coming soon)
Jerry Courvoisier
Jody Frost
Sara Stathas
Kate Russell
Richard Khalnlian
Brian K. Edwards
Allen Jeter
Kyle Zimmerman
Michael Melford
Bobbi Lane
Douglas Beasley 
Erica Berger
Tara Walch
(under construction) 
Eric Swanson
Gary Breckheimer
Danny Miller 
(coming soon)
Jennifer Esperanza
Daniel Milnor
Genevieve Russell
Memphis Barbree
Jennifer Spellman
Art Brewer


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