We are all God's creatures.
Are you being the best you can be?
Do you love your life?
Fallen Angels in the history of art were symbolic of those
that sinned.
I think that is such an odd idea as we are here on earth
getting lessons.
I don’t feel I have sinned at all in my rather expanse life.
Poor choices have cost me time and
energy as many.
I wish for all of
you that the best year ever 2013.
To try new things that maybe you haven’t done, to be open to
love and fearless.
To edit well those choices before you. Its okay to say NO. To pay attention to
all red flags.
Don’t compromise your values for someone else’s agenda.
Hold tight to those whom are dear to you. Lash not out at those whom need space
to breath and live a life of good health.
Be kinder and honor your family
first. Listen more, talk less. Let
go of all that doesn’t feed your souls positive fire.
These are some ot the things I am doing. I wish you all much love.
I appreciate and thank all the friends new and old for your
love you gave and give.
I thank all the patrons that have supported the projects
We did it together.
My heart still wells up with gratitude.
One minute at a time this is how I roll.
Now with love for all and I mean all. Being the best you can be makes a
huge shift in the world at large.
truth and you are doing your part.
Being and honest and good person or your bound to hurt and be hurt.
Clean the slate for 2013.
Feliz Navidad, Vaya Con Dios