Thursday, February 2, 2012


Onion under the sky light...I just keep observing!
 Fresh Spinich and my girls eggs
 I love my Wedgewood Stove its about 60 years old
 My spice shelf, 49 Mercury Bumper
 Simple Fuel
 Hood River Pears topped with carmel
 Taco, my model for the promo, not a norm to be on the table, only a photo op!
 Spoiled Poly sneaks a bite from her guest seat

TAP on any of the images and they enlarge and look better!
James Snipes modeled with Taco for the Nacho Promo Shot

Making promos to do the hustle, a dance for hunters and gathers of images.

CAKE always CAKE


  1. I wish I was that smart !
    Make good food while you work ?
    Oh no !!! Have not figured that one out yet...
    Better get on it !

  2. somehow my previous comment under my own name disappeared?

    Anyway I LOVE the onion. I am completely obsessed with plant forms now in my work---working on new large paintings: plants as sentient beings! this onion definitely qualifies!

    And Taco looks pretty fierce about that lunch thing!
