Thursday, February 2, 2012


photo by karen kuehn, Sammy and Poly Spring 2011


So one of the things I walked away from in college was the concept of Pt of View taught to me by the founder of Aperture, Shirley Burden 
(photographer,  philanthropist and more importantly genuine being beyond the all mighty dollar, he cared.)  
  I love natural shooting, for me that means just meandering around the subject and being part of their experience in life.  Images can come around in a variety of ways but I try to not limit my way of seeing but to open up and explore a subject.

Observer: This is what photograpers like Joseph Koudelka , Cartier Bresson, and my friend Nick Nichols do so well. Usually more journalistic in nature.
Direct Engagement: Co Creating and making concepts and images that are more formal.
Irving Penn, Annie Leibovitz, and Arnold Newman are good examples of photography that best reveal a story in one frame. 

If your always making art from your point of view, be it 5, 8 or 6.4 it will be limited...try going low and high and make a story.
The Coen Brothers did such a great job in the movie Raising Arizona.
It's a good example of point of view.


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