Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Pema Chodron

 M y  F a v o r i t e  S a g e

When the going gets tough I have always found Pema's teachings helpful.
Here's several links to help those whom need some Spiritual guidance.
Just a few! I have entrenched myself in all her works for almost two decades.
I couldn't be anymore human than the rest of my friends.
Just because you practice Buddhism, doesn't mean your unable to become a storm of emotion when triggers are fired.
When pushed to an edge or backed up against a wall, "ambushed" we hopefully can feel and react in truth. End of the day it's the lessons that have quite possibly been aligned in our lives's to move our energy in a forward placement Spiritually.
Or karma will send us back for a repeat performance!
Dense at times and yet moments of enlightenment can spring board us forward for health and wellness.
"Being in the Now" isn't easy especially for those who have an agenda.
Creative types tend to flow easier with change than those locked into routine.
We all would like to think were profoundly creative and visionaries I suspect, but hardly!
Were just humans with all the trappings and limitations self imposed more often than not!
Rich with love and lessons, poorer for the material world I see and feel for those who suffer and don't know the true meaning of LOVE.
Letting go has been the best loving action of my life.
Free to love and love abundantly. 
Individually we make our own heaven and hell with purgatory being by far the worst!
I am very excited about the year to come.
I am love and it is rocking my life.
Thank you to all those friends and family who have my back.
Who care deeply for my soul.
I feel loved most awesomely by many.
I am a lucky gal.
Enjoy the links as you sit and ponder.

Happiness Means Getting to Know Disappointment?
Trouble Makers
Ripe Times
A Reservoir of Trust
Were all in the Same Boat

Loving Kindness To All Beings.

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