Saturday, May 12, 2012

105 supporters 16 days to GO!

MetropoLOVE has legs and she's walking TALL.
We are more than half way done with the books completion with a goal of July to pull a copy for the LLC of the Burning Man Foundation to approve.
Gathering quotes from friends of Burning Man are cementing the pages with love in a community that is fueled by creativity and passionate souls.
Thank you to all of you were going to make this goal.
Me and my crew have been on it every day.
Daily I get bits and pieces from the artist and burners and friends.
The out pouring of love and stories shared has been so carefully blended to make a book that marks an experience by images and words at the Burning Man event.
My journey as been a long one and my art heart got derailed and all of your support is blooming this book and making my mission and purpose in life set in stone.

HUGS & KISSES for all those who can care.


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